Clinical analysis of 8 cases of paradoxical embolism 矛盾性栓塞八例临床分析
Conclusion: The likelihood of paradoxical embolism in animal model with artificial PFO in combination with the Valsalva maneuver is higher than without the Valsalva maneuver, which is related to the transient abnormal interatrial right-left-shunt. 结论:模拟Valsalva动作时卵圆孔未闭动物模型可出现短暂性心房水平的右向左分流导致矛盾性栓塞。
Conclusions The real-time image of FE in the heart can be observed on continuous TEE. Paradoxical FE is a reliable evidence of fat embolism syndrome ( FES). The average accumulated lethal dose of fat embolism was 17.8 ± 4.9 ml in pigs. 结论TEE可观察心腔内脂肪栓子的动态变化,出现反常栓塞是脂肪栓塞发展为脂肪栓塞综合征的可靠证据,猪脂肪栓塞的平均累积致死量为(17.8±4.9)ml。
Results Eight cases of pulmonary embolism complicated with paradoxical embolism were diagnosed, of whom there were six men and two women ( mean age, 47.6 years). 结果本组8例肺栓塞合并矛盾性栓塞患者,男性6例、女性2例;平均年龄为47.6岁。
Transcatheter treatment of atrial septal aneurysm associated with patent foramen ovale for prevention of recurrent paradoxical embolism in high-risk patients 经导管治疗伴有卵圆孔未闭的房间隔动脉瘤高危患者以预防复发性反常栓塞
Otherwise, paradoxical embolism was considered a clinical diagnosis. 确诊矛盾性栓塞是发现嵌顿于动静脉交通处的栓子,其余皆为临床诊断。